Thursday, March 30, 2006

Atmosphere of the Land of Israel

Shelah haKadosh, Parshas Veyechi (Free Translation)

In every place where all Jews are united--that place has the avira (atmosphere) of Eretz Yisroel and it is permitted to bring korbanos there [as was done in the desert for forty years]...however the level of Eretz Yisroel itself is such that even if all the Jews are not present but only a small portion, it still has the avira of Eretz Yisroel.


Saturday, March 25, 2006

Moshiach can come in the next 18 minutes--al pi halacha

Lubavitcher Rebbe, Igros Kodesh v.13, p.355 (Free Translation)

When speaking about matters connected to Moshiach, there are those who assert that this is, in the words of the gemora: הילכתא למשיחא [halachos which lack practical application in our day], but it should be known that this is not the case. The proof is found in the revealed part of Torah.

There is an opinion (Taanis 17a, Rambam Hilchos Bias Mikdash 1:7) which says that a Kohen is forbidden to drink wine even in our days because the Beis Hamidash will be rebuilt and one who is drunk is forbidden from performing the Avodah.

One can ameliorate the effects of alcohol in two ways: a) sleeping; b) the time it takes to walk a mil (Persian mile). Walking a mil takes 18 minutes [according to the widely accepted halachic opinion]. The most time it takes to walk a mil is 24 minutes [according to differing halachic opinion]. From here it is proven via the revealed Torah that within a short span of time, the time it takes to walk a mil, which is at most 23 minutes and 59 seconds—Moshiach can come with the Beis Hamikdash complete. And thus there would be a need [for the Kohen] to immediately be fit to perform the Avodah.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006


כ"א אדר ה'תשס"ו

Welcome to the Dawn of Redemption!

The intention here is not to use the internet as a platform for personal opinion. This blog has been established for the purpose of disseminating the inner dimension of Torah, teachings which are extremely relevant to our moment in history. Teachings which are crucial to understanding where we are and where we are headed.

  • Where are we? At the end of the exile of the Jewish people.
  • Where are we headed? To the true and final redemption of the Jewish nation.

And through the Jewish people—G-d's chosen nation of priests—the entire world will finally be liberated from darkness and illuminated with the light of redemption.

We are literally on the verge of a new world: a world that will reflect the true will of its Creator, Who desires only good for His creatures. The transition to this new world can be a smooth one, full of happiness and joy (contrary to popular misconceptions).

What is the key?

The key, according to the Zohar (the fundemental book of Jewish "mysticism") is to learn the inner dimension of Torah: the secrets of Torah, the soul of Torah, that which gives life to the commandments, which are the body of Torah. Learning and doing; learning and doing; and always with joy!

With G-d's help, this blog will be effective in contributing to the spread the inner dimension of Torah around the globe. Our sources will be classic kabbalah (Jewish "mysticism") primarily as interpreted and taught by the nesher hagadol, the extension of Moshe Rabbeinu who is present in every generation. This refers to the Admorim of Chabad Chassidus, beginning from the Baal Shem Tov and continuing through to the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
