Monday, November 27, 2006

Nothing is lacking

Lubavitcher Rebbe, Parshas Vayeitze 5752

Our Sages describe Moshiach as waiting anxiously to come. In previous generations, however, his coming was prevented by the fact that the Jews had not completed the tasks expected of them. At present, however, those tasks have been accomplished; there is nothing lacking. All we have to do is accept Moshiach.

This is the challenge facing our generation: To make the world conscious of Moshiach, and to create an environment that will allow his mission to be fulfilled. Every element of our study of the Torah and our observance of its mitzvos should be permeated by this objective, and directed towards it.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

Lubavitcher Rebbe, Shabbos Toldos 5751

Immediately we will merit the coming of the true messenger, "Behold I am sending to you Eliyahu the Prophet," who will herald the coming of Moshiach. Moreover, Moshiach will not wait for the coming of Eliyahu the Prophet, but will come together with him. Every one of us among the entire Jewish People will be a messenger to inform himself, his family and his surroundings that "Behold, here (our righteous Moshiach) is coming," "He will point with his finger and say, 'zeh'! ('this!')"

(Hisvaaduyos 5751 vol. 1, p. 335)


Saturday, November 18, 2006

The responsibility of every Jew

Lubavitcher Rebbe, sicha of 27th Marcheshvan, 5752

This gathering will be concluded by distributing money to be given to tzedakah and also a Torah text -- a teaching of P'nimiyus HaTorah as amplified through the teachings of the Chabad Rebbeim. For both tzedakah and the study of P'nimiyus HaTorah will hasten the coming of the Era of the Redemption. This is the responsibility of every Jew. It is not enough to wait anxiously, knowing that surely Moshiach will come; each person must do his part to hasten his coming.


Sunday, November 05, 2006

G-d revealed Himself to Avram...why not us?

Lubavitcher Rebbe, Parshas Vayera 5752

"Avram was ninety-nine years old, and God revealed Himself to Avram..." (Parshas Vayera 17:3)

This produces a lesson for every individual. When he reads that G-d revealed Himself "to him," he must realize that "to him" does not mean only to Avraham, but "to him," to his own self. Since he is a descendant of Avraham and has entered into "the covenant of Avraham" through circumcision, G-d reveals Himself to him. This should arouse in him a desire to actually see that revelation, a desire which can be so powerful that it motivates him to cry.

Similarly, this desire should be powerful enough to motivate every individual to carry out his service in causing G-dliness to permeate every aspect of his being and all dimensions of his portion in the world at large. In this manner, he will make himself a vessel worthy of Divine revelation and indeed, cause that revelation to permeate the entire world, making the world a dwelling for Him.
