Saturday, October 27, 2007

Chassidus: Redemption with Mercy

Tanya, Igeres Hakodesh 26

On the verse, “And the wise shall shine like the radiance of the firmament,” [Daniel 12:3] Ra’aya Mehemna [Zohar] comments:

With this work of yours [of R. Shimon bar Yochai], which is the Book of the Zohar [...] with those [who study this work] no trial is needed. Because eventually the Jewish people will taste of the Tree of Life, which is this Book of the Zohar, they will go out of exile with it, in mercy. [...] In seeking their Redemption they will not have to resort to the favors of the gentile nations, whose patron angels are known as “strange gods.” Rather, G‑d Himself will lead them out of exile and redeem them.

Lessons in Tanya: The Zohar previously states that at the time of the final Redemption the Jewish people will be put to the test; those who belong to the “good side” of the universe will withstand it, while those who belong to the “side of evil” will not. As it is written,“Many will be refined and bleached and chastened, but the wicked will act wickedly; none of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand.” The Zohar then states (as above) that those who study the Tree of Life, the Zohar [which the Rebbe explains in our days is contained within the teachings of Chassidus--ed.] will not need to be put to the test.


Friday, October 26, 2007

Moshiach's power comes from a girl lighting Shabbos candles

Sicha of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Re'eh 5745 (1985)

This first of the signs of Moshiach enumerated by the Rambam is that he is "involved in his ancestor Dovid". Moshiach will be flesh and blood, from the House of Dovid, and at first he will learn Torah like his father Dovid, like a batlanisher Yid [one who learns fulltime], like Dovid who learned Torah while he sent Yoav ben Truya, head of the army, to war. Through his involvement in learning Torah, in a way of "purifying a woman to her husband" (and not in order to make chiddushim, etc.)--he gives the power to Yoav to win the wars! And similarly, when a small girl lights Shabbos candles, this gives the power to the one who fights the wars of Hashem [ie, Moshiach] that he will be victorious."


Monday, October 15, 2007

Future Redemption: Every Jew (past and present)

Sicha of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Night Following the Eleventh of Menachem Av, 5751

Herein lies one of the differences between the Future Redemption and the previous redemptions in our history. In the exodus from Egypt, the Jews who were not found worthy of being redeemed died in the plague of darkness. Similarly, in the return to Zion led by Ezra, the majority of the Jewish people remained in Babylon. In contrast, the Future Redemption will include all the members of our people: every single Jew will leave the exile.*

*In an expanded sense, the Redemption will also affect those Jews who have not yet been born, for their birth will be hastened, and it will also affect the souls of the previous generations who will arise in the Resurrection of the Dead.


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Garments of Light

Shelah, parshas Ki Seitze

The essence of the man is pnimiyus and the body is the levush and his levush [when he was created] was like white snow כתנות אור with an aleph and his body and soul were luninaries. Adam קלקל fouled things up at the advice of the nachash hakadmoni and the adornment was removed from him and he was enclothed in skin and flesh and his body became materialistic כתנות עור with an ayin. Since then, the body is born from the loins for all the generations and built from a putrid drop due to the pollution of the nachash who came to Chava and deposited zuhama into her...In the future we will return and we will be like Adam before the sin, כתנות אור with an aleph, and we will live eternal life with no death…


Monday, October 08, 2007

Ruchniyus Bodies

Ohr Hatorah, Bereishis vol. VII (page 2326 (1163a))

In truth, before [Adam and Chava] transgressed the command of Hakadosh Baruch Hu their bodies were also completely spiritual, like our physical bodies will be after complete refinement...when comprehension of G-dliness will give life to the body like physical eating and drinking. This is what Adam's body was before the sin...that his heel made the sun appear dark.
