Monday, July 03, 2023

Ohr Hachayim Hakadosh (Yoma d'Hillula 15 Tammuz)

Ohr Hachayim Hakadosh on Balak 24:15

"I see it but not now...a star shoots forth from Yaakov..."

The entire prophecy is speaking about Melech haMoshiach and it will be explained by the words of the sages on the verse "b'ita achishena" ("in its time I will hasten it"): if they merit, "I will hasten it"; if they don't merit, "in its time").

If it will be a redemption through the merit of Yisrael it will be a miraculous thing whereby the redeemer of Israel will be revealed from the heavens with wonders and signs, such as are described in the Zohar (Vayera 119a, Balak 212b). This is not the case if it will be a redemption from the ketz (prepared end) and Yisrael is not suited for it then it will be in a different way, about which it is said (Zecharia 9:9), "the redeemer will come as a poor man riding on a donkey"...[Bilaam] said "a star shoots forth from Yaakov" that the redeemer will shine from the heavens, and it also hints at the star that goes out in the middle of the heavens in a miraculous and wondrous fashion as described in the Zohar.


The Yovel Year

Ohr Hachayim on Parshas Behar Chapter 25, verse 28 (Free Translation)

וְאִם לֹא-מָצְאָה יָדוֹ, דֵּי הָשִׁיב לוֹ
But if he cannot afford enough to repay him...

This means if they will fear the master because there is no strength in the people to endure any more sufferings, and their heavenly debts are numerous and have overwhelmed them, and he sold himself until the Yovel year which is the time limit for the geulah b'itah (redemption "in it's time")--then he goes out in the Yovel and returns to his inheritance because there is an end to exile even if Israel are complete evildoers, G-d forbid.


Ohr Hachayim: No Death By Tzaddikim

"And Sara died" (Chayei Sara 23:2)

Ohr Hachayim:
The verse hints at what it says "Kiryas Arba" ("City of the Four"), to say that G-d-forbid one should not connect death with tzaddikim. Rather, Kiryas Arba means the city that was built from the four yesodos (fundemental elements) became separated and departed from them. And in saying "this is Chevron" implies that even though she died, she caused them [the four yesodos] to have the aspect of unification (chibur) because tzaddikim, even though they will die yet the body is not negated from life because tzaddikim in their deaths are called living. Go and learn from maaseh Rav Achai bar Yoshiya (Shabbos 152).

The reason is because when they are in the world they transform the aspect of ruchniyus hakodesh that is in their nefesh via their good deeds and abundant Torah that they accomplish in this world. Go and learn from the Rambam (Hilchos Yesodei Hatorah perek daled) that it is a rule of Hashem that one yesod can transform into its neighboring yesod: earth transforming into water, and similarly we find that via the dveikus of a person to his Creator he can transform all the yesodos to [the highest] yesod of fire, and from the [material] yesod of fire (aish) to the yesod aish of the neshoma.
