Thursday, July 27, 2006

Yishmael: The Holy One will save us from his hand

Perek R' Shimon ben Yochai

[R' Shimon sees what Yishmael is likely to do at the end of days and cries out that isn't it enough what Edom did to us?] Meta"t Sar Hapanim replies to him "Don't be afraid, for the Holy One does not bring malchus Yishmael except in order to rescue from such evil."

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Everything is for the good of Israel!

Shelah Hakadosh, Parashas Balak

Know that there is no evil that descends from above for the nation of Israel, because they are the children of Hashem. If there is a situation of "Hashem's anger will flare" on them in the destructions of the Mikdashes and the destruction of Israel in their exile amongst the nations--everything is for their benefit. In the way that a man straightens the path of his son, so does Hashem straighten our path, and everything is for our good, to be purified in the crucible of the nations, to remove our sins, and to be completely refined without any sediment, without and dross--only radiant light for the time to come--because the sufferings cleanse us and also bring us to tshuva.

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Sunday, July 16, 2006

One who stands against Israel...

Rashi on Matos 31:3

נקמת ה' - שהעומד כנגד ישראל כאלו עומד כנגד הקדוש ברוך הוא

Hashem's vengeance - For one who stands against Israel it is as if he stands against the Holy One, blessed be He.