Wednesday, January 24, 2007

All Israel are One Soul

Shelah Hakadosh, parshas Vayeshev

Know that all of Israel are called one soul and all of them together are called Adam...and just as the limbs of the body are one person, so it is that every single Jew is a single limb...there are differing levels of limbs--a brain, a heart, an eye, a hand, etc. -- and so, too, there are differing levels in Israel, one above the other which together make one man.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Evil will be transformed

Shelah Hakadosh, parshas Vayeshev

In the future it is not only that the level of Melech Hamoshiach will be exalted, but rather that his enemies as well will make peace with him. That is to say that the klipa will be purified and will acknowledge the truth, and all the nations will come around to the true religion, and on that day Hashem will be One and His name will be One.

The NaChaSH will be transformed to the ChoSHeN, and man will be transformed to a completely pure heart, and this is the secret of the reality of Malchus Beis Dovid, and Moshiach will seemingly be not from the way of kedusha, G-d forbid. As Yehuda came to Tamar thinking she was a zonah, and Ruth came to Boaz and exposed his feet, etc., but "from Hashem was this thing". The way Dovid and Moshiach come out is in a convuluded way, because in this way everything ultimately is brought to kedusha in the future, and all the chitzonim will be pnimi'im, because the Holy One will remove from them the Evil and they will remain Holy from their source.


Monday, January 22, 2007

Body of light (2)

Shelah Hakadosh, parshas Vayeshev-Chanukah

In the future the body will return to its garment of light, and both will shine, the body and the soul, this one as the great luminary and this one as the small luminary.


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Body of light

Shelah Hakadosh, parshas Teruma

The body has holiness due to the good deeds it performs, and in the future the body will be refined and whereas now it is a garment of עור with an ע Ayin (flesh) it will be a garment of אור ohr with an א Aleph (light).
