Monday, May 21, 2007

Shavuos -- Auspicious Time to ask for geulah!

Maamar Mordechai by R' Mordechai of Nedavorno (5660)

All agree that on Atzeres [Shavuos] the day is "half for you"...on Atzeres which is the time of receiving the Torah, and chazal refer to this as freedom from enslavement to the nations. This makes it the appropriate time for an eis ratzon to daven for the drawing close of the ketz of the geulah.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dover Echad l'Dor (Moshe and Moshiach)

Sanhedrin 8a

Rabbi Yochanan said that Moshe said to Yehoshua "you and the elders of the generation with them". The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him "take a stick and hit the elders over the head, for there is "dover echad l'dor" [Rashi: one leader] for a generation and not two leaders to a generation."

Sicha Parshas Bechukosai 5746

Every Jew has the power to receive from the "dover echad l'dor" his parnasa and all of his needs regarding children, health, and sufficient income in a way of "bread from heaven" (manna), both in those things which are necessary for existence as well as pleasureable things.

[...] and the fact that today it isn't possible to see the "jar of manna" which is "preserved for the generations" means that we must further speed up the time when the command to "preserve it for the generations" will be fulfilled in a revealed way -- with the coming of Moshiach tzidkeinu, who will come and redeem us and bring us upright to our land, in a way of "I will cause you to go upright" in the way of "the children of Israel went out with a high hand", "like the days of your coming out of Egypt I will show you wonders", all through Moshe Rabbeinu -- "the first redeemer is the last redeemer" since Moshe is the "dover echad l'dor" who provides Yidden with all of their needs [...] so too regarding the "final redeemer" of this final golus.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Like the dark end of a tunnel

Likutei Sichos II:361

The inner aspect of golus is the revelation of a new light, and as a result of drawing closer to it there is a distancing from the hashpa'a of the Divine revelation. Therefore, the more we draw closer to Moshiach the more oppressive golus becomes.


Monday, May 07, 2007

Eliyahu Hanovi in Brooklyn?

Comment of the Lubavitcher Rebbe during a visit by the Chief Rabbis of Israel, 5749 (1989)

In the midrashim of chazal we find that Moshiach Tzidkeinu (Eliyahu Hanovi) will be revealed first in the Galil, specificially in Teveria... But no one will be makpid if Eliyahu Hanovi were to come in chutz la'aretz, even in Brooklyn, and the next day Moshiach will come to Teveria.
