Sunday, May 31, 2009

Moshiach: Eternal Life

Moshiach will have length of days without end. (Kisvei HaRamban, I:325)

Moshiach will never die, rather he will live forever (Birkas Shmuel, Bereishis 2:16)

Moshiach will not taste the taste of death. (Otzar Midrashim 2:10)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Moshiach Teaching

When Moshiach will teach Israel the underlying [mystical] reasons of Torah - he will not teach them in a regular way of teaching, rather he will show them the Divine Essence, and through seeing this - they will understand immediately.

Rebbe Rashab, Hemshech Ayin Beis, 5672, II:936


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Don't Sleep Shavuos Night

[An individual] should brace himself like a lion, be watchful, and drive away sleep. He should not drowse at all, since the Ari z'l was extremely stringent about not sleeping on this night, even more than on Hoshanna Rabba.

Ben Ish Chai on staying awake Shavuos night

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The "New Torah" of Moshiach

"A New Torah will be come forth from me." (Vayikra Rabba, 13:3)

"The Torah of Moshiach is on a much higher level than the Torah that was given at Matan Torah. The Torah that a person studies in this world -- is mere vapor before the Torah of Moshiach." (Koheles Rabba, 11:1 [8])

The new Torah that will be revealed by Moshiach is a part of and is included in the Torah that was given to Moshe Rabbeinu from Mount Sinai, meaning that it will be according to the rules of Torah that were given at Sinai.

Lubavitcher Rebbe, Sefer Hasichos 5752, II:568


Monday, May 25, 2009

Moshiach Knows More

In the future Moshiach will give over to everyone deep understanding in the secrets of the Inner Torah, but to Moshiach himself will be revealed infinitely more than what he is able to reveal.

Rebbe Raayatz, Sefer Hamaamorim 5709, p.123


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Melting the Frozen Seas

A misnaged Gaon came once to the Alter Rebbe and asked of him that he should transform him into a chosid. The Alter Rebbe answered: "The 'sea of ice'--King Moshiach will warm it up."

Sefer Hasichos 5703, p. 6


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Four Types of Klipos

The klipos are divided into four categories: jealousy, lust, honor, and athiesm. Jealousy is the klipa of Esav and this was rectified by Avraham Avinu; lust is the klipa of Yishmael and this was rectified by Yitzchok Avinue; honor is the klipa of Amalek and this was rectified by Yaakov Avinu; athiesm is the klipa of Gog and Magog--this will be rectified by Moshiach.

The first three types correspond to the three meals of Shabbos; and athiesm corresponds to the meal of Melave Malka, which is the meal of Dovid Malka Mashicha.

Pri Tzadik, Bereshis 1:2

Friday, May 22, 2009

Elevating Existence

The inyan of Moshiach is to elevate existence from level to level, going higher and higher.

Maharal of Prague, Netzach Yisroel, chapter 28


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Moshe and Moshiach

In the future Moshe Rabbeinu will go out of the desert, and King Moshiach will apear amidst Rome, and each one of them will appear with Clouds of Glory, and the Shechina before them, and they will meet. Then the King Moshiach will redeem Israel.

Targum Yerushalmi, in Yalkut Me'am Loez Shemos I:211

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Moshiach Revealed

Moshiach ben Dovid will be revealed to all of Israel in one moment.

Iyun Yaakov on Ein Yaakov, Eiruvin 43

The redemption by Moshiach will not come in one moment, but rather it will proceed by stages.

Yalkut Me'am Loez, Tehillim I:116

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Moshiach: A New Creation

At the time of the geulah, the Holy One, blessed be He, will create Moshiach anew. As it says (Tehillim 2:7): "Today I gave birth to you."

Midrash Tehillim II

Monday, May 18, 2009

In every generation they would imagine who Moshiach is. For example--the stuents of the Arizal held that their Rebbe is Moshiach.

Sdei Chemed, Pe'as Hasadeh, 1st Maareches, clal 70

Spark of Moshiach

Merely a spark of Moshiach is enclothed in his body.

Ben Yohoyada on Sanhedrin 98a

Sunday, May 17, 2009

To the Holy Land: with no need for airplanes

The Holy One, blessed be He will bring every Jew "with clouds of Heaven" with no need for airplanes or the like, since via "clouds of Heaven" (the clouds of the Holy One, blessed be He) we arrive much faster [and] effortlessly...

Lubavitcher Rebbe, 26 Adar 5751


Friday, May 15, 2009

The Tzaddik's Power: From Our Requests

The Zohar tells how once the world needed rain and Rashbi's students came to him and asked him to help. Rashbi said a Torah on the verse "Hinei mah tov u'mana'im, sheves achim gam yachad" and the rains fell.

We need to understand this story: why did the students need to come to Rashbi, and only then did he say Torah and caused rain to fall. Because every single Jew makes an effort to do what is in his power to do good for the individual and the community, and how much moreso Tannaim and Amoraim, and particularly Rashbi, who said he is able to exempt the entire world from judgement--certainly he did all he could for the good of klal Yisroel. So then why, when the world needed rain (and he was able to cause rain to fall, as we see form the fact that he did so, nonetheless) he had to wait until his students came to him, and only then did he say Torah on the verse and then the rain fell?

It is written "male and female He created them" and then "and G-d blessed them", which means that specifically when there is a recipient (female) is it possible for the blessing to come, which is an unlimited blessing.... From this it is understood [as regards Rashbi] that in order to draw down additional power in the mashpia in order for him to be able to bestow, the recipient must elevate itself towards him.

From this we can also understand why it was his students who came to him, because specifically via his students, who are recipients, coming to him and yearning and asking that he will bestow to them...that via the connection and binding of the recipient with the mashpia, the student and Rav, there is an increase to him, to the mashpia himself. And so, in our case, via the students coming to Rashbi, it caused an elevation in Rashbi himself. And thus specifically when Rashbi's students came to him -- that's when an additional elevation and hamshacha came to Rashbi, resulting in a new revelation in Torah in his explanation of the verse. Through this it was drawn down also to this low world in the form of rain in its simple sense, even to the level of a world which was in a state that even though it needed rain the rain wouldn't fall.

That's why it is always expressed Rashbi and his students, because through this there is a hamshacha and flow in the aspect of Ein Sof.

Lubavitcher Rebbe, Maamar La'g B'omer 5730


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rashbi, Moshe, the Alter Rebbe: Souls of Atzilus

There are souls that even while they are in this world they are souls of [the highest spiritual world of] Atzilus. Like the souls of Rashbi and the souls of Moshe Rabbeinu and also the soul of the Alter Rebbe [Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the Baal HaTanya]. From this it is understood that it also applies to those who filled his [the Alter Rebbe's] place, each Nosi* in his generation, as they are souls of Atzilus. Because the Nosi of every generation is an extension of Moshe** and he was a soul of Atzilus. And all the moreso the Rebbes of Chassidus, whose labor is the spreading of the wellsprings outward, to disseminate the wellsprings of Rashbi, who was also a soul of Atzilus as was mentioned.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe, from the Chassidic discourse "Lehovin Inyan Rashbi" 5730 (1980)

* Nosi [Nasi]: spiritual head of the Jewish people

** Tikkunei Zohar, Tikkun 69

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Rashbi's Successor -- the Rebbe, leader of our generation

Rashbi revealed the Torah’s inner dimension (its secrets), and thus the lesson from Lag B’Omer is that we should increase in the revelation and dissemination of the Torah’s inner dimension. More particularly, we must fulfill the mission given us by the previous Rebbe, leader of our generation, and Rashbi’s successor — the mission of disseminating Chassidus.

Although “Your wellsprings shall spread forth to the outside” — the idea of disseminating Chassidus — was said concerning the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov, it applies to the revelation of the inner dimension of Torah in general — the teachings of Rashbi. In Rashbi’s generation, this inner dimension of Torah was revealed in great measure. Afterwards, it was again concealed, until the Arizal’s time, when “it became permitted and a mitzvah to reveal this wisdom” — and most especially after the revelation of Chassidus in general, and Chassidus Chabad in particular, wherewith the esoteric dimension of Torah was presented in an intellectual framework, enabling it to be understood and assimilated by each person.

Sicha of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, 17 Iyar, 5744 (1984)


Monday, May 11, 2009

The Face of the Master Hashem--this is Rashbi!

To understand the significance of Rashbi: we find in the Zohar (which is "his book" (Zohar III 124b)) that he is praised with awesome praises, such as R' Yehuda who calls him "Shabbos" and "Who is the face of Adon Hashem? This is Rashbi".

We can understand this from the explanation as to why we praise Hashem in our prayers, after all: does He need our praises? The explanation is that because all the spiritual worlds are immeasureably insignificant compared to Him, and thus His bestowal [of spiritual sustenance] to these worlds is a descent for Him, thus in order to awaken His desire to bestow [spiritual sustenance] to the worlds there is a need of our praises.

[...] It is same way as regards Rashbi, that because of the tremendously great level of Rashbi relative to all the other Tanaaim [sages of the Mishnaic period] he was distinct and removed from them in a way which is beyond comparison to them, thus they had need to praise him to awaken his desire to bestow to them. And as stated by the Rebbe Maharash that the incomparable distinction between the rest of the Tanaaim relative to Rashbi was on the order of the distinction between created beings relative to their creator. View the discourse

Lubavitcher Rebbe, Chassidic Discourse "Lehavin Inyan Rashbi" L'ag B'Omer 5745


Sunday, May 03, 2009

The Resurrection: Bodies of G-dliness

In the time to come there will be souls in bodies, which is the resurrection of the dead, that the bodies will rise and live forever [...] only that the bodies won't be physical but rather they will be real G-dliness (Elokus mamash).

Rebbe Rashab, maamorim 5680, p35
