Thursday, June 06, 2013

Wanting Moshiach...

 On 10 Teves 5750 a person came to the Rebbe requesting blessings for himself and his family.  He continued to add more and more requests until the Rebbe told him: Perhaps you should request that Moshiach should come?

The man answered:  G-d-willing.

The Rebbe commented: Hashem wants it; it's up to the Yidden to want it as well.

From the book Zorea Tzadakot, printed in "Moshiach Weekly" #17

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

The Rebbe: "He is the head"

[In regard to the Rebbe's father-in-law, the previous Rebbe, the Rebbe wrote:]

It is incumbent upon every single one of us to know, meaning to contemplate it deeply and focus on it, that he indeed is the Leader and the head, from him and via his hand come all the physical and spiritual benefits [hashpa'os] and by making our connection to him (and he already directed in his letters how and with what to make our connection*) we are connected, and unified in the source and the source of the source until the highest of the highest, etc.

Letter of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Gimmel Tammuz 5710 (4 months after the passing of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe) Igros Kodesh 3:331 #635 (view)

* Hayom Yom 24 Sivan: "You ask how can you be bound (m'kushar) to me when I do not know you personally...The true bond is created by studying Torah. When you study my maamarim, read the sichos and associate with those dear to me - the chassidic community and the tmimim [students] - in their studies and farbrengens, and you fulfill my request regarding saying Tehillim and observing Torah-study times - in this is the bond."


Monday, June 03, 2013

Alive in body and soul

"Tzaddikim that never benefited from this world, they still exist in body and soul...and with certainty [Moshiach's] burial won't take place, only on that day in the eyes of the world being that the world is judged according to [the view of] the majority, but [despite appearances] he will be alive in body and soul like the case with Rabbeinu Hakadosh."

Bnei Yissachar, Agra D'Kalla, p' Re'eh p.206