Geulah is Standing at the Doorstep--Draw It In!
HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu: We must decide and rule that the Moshiach needs to come immediately!
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, שליט"א: Immediately mamash.
HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu: Immediately didan, not according to the way others understand, but according to our own ruling.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, שליט"א: There is nothing more to wait for, since all the matters of avodah have been finished, and they [Yisrael] have already done tshuva, and the matter is not dependent on anything but the coming of Moshiach himself. -- "The matter is dependent only on tshuva" was [applicable] a long time ago, but now (after they have already done tshuva) the matter is not dependent on anything but the coming of Moshiach himself. All that is needed is that Moshiach will come in actuality, "point with his finger and say 'this'", this is our righteous Moshiach!
. . . And the main thing -- that it will be in actuality, in a way of "point with his finger and say 'this'", and immediately mamash, as I repeat and emphasize numerous times that not only is the Geulah going to arrive in the end, but that the Geulah is already standing at the doorstep, and it is waiting for each and every Jew to open the door and draw the Geulah into the room.
From discussion during the visit of Chief Rabbi of Israel Harav Mordechai Eliyahu, זצ"ל, to the Lubavitcher Rebbe
6 Marcheshvan, 5752 (1992)