Sunday, June 28, 2009

Gan Eden: The Original Olam Hazeh

It states regarding Adam Harishon "and He placed him in Gan Eden to work it and to keep it", which means that Gan Eden, which for us is the place of reward for mitzvos, was then a place of work for Adam Harishon just as "olam hazeh"* is for us now. His place of reward was above Gan Eden, and Gan Eden for him was not considered a place of reward but instead it was for him what "olam hazeh" is for us now. When it states that G-d "planted him in the Gan", the word "planted" implies the aspect of action ("asiyah"), because at that time, before the sin, the entire world of Asiyah was much much higher than it is now, and from this we can understand the elevations of the worlds that the supernal lights will be more revealed more in the vessels, until the degree that what is now Atzilus will be, in the time to come, the level of Asiyah, meaning that the world of Asiyah in the time to come will have within it the revelation that now is found in Atzilus. And the aspect of Atzilus in the time to come will be infinitely higher because greater lights will be revealed in the vessels.

Likutei Torah, Korach 52c

* Olam Hazeh = this world


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yaakov Avinu didn't die? But they embalmed him and buried him!

At first glance, there appears to be a contradiction between the statements of our Sages that “Yaakov Avinu didn’t die” and the facts found in the chumash: “but they embalmed him and buried him”.

However the Rebbe says that there is no contradiction. Yet, how is it possible that Yaakov Avinu is really alive in his body, and at the same time they really buried his body?

In truth: a man possesses two bodies, different aspects of physicality; thus the body can be alive even while it appears that it is not.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dovid Hamelech Didn't Die, Hashem Concealed Him

It is known that Dovid Hamelech was the final rectification of the blemish of the sin of Adam Harishon, and thus it was fitting that he will not die and would live forever like Adam Harishon (who, if he hadn't sinned, would have lived forever). Dovid saw that he will live only the 70 years that Adam Harishon donated to him, and this was hard for him and he suffered over this--that it must be that he will die for some sin, or that he didn't rectify the blemish that responsible for, and so he suffered greatly.

But in truth, our Sages said (Rosh Hashana 25) "Dovid Melech Yisroel Chay v'Kayam" -- David King of Israel Lives and Endures -- and that his death was nothing but a concealment [histalkus], and he didn't die, and he will be revealed speedily, as is stated "My servant Dovid is a Nosi for them forever", and Moshiach is Dovid himself, as stated in the Talmud (Sanhedrin 98). The Holy One, blessed be He, did this since he is likened to the moon, that its light is reduced now and in the future will be renewed, so too Dovid's kingship will be revealed speedily.

Smichas Chachomim

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Body of Light Within a Body of Skin

[The Shla"h] writes that the meaning of "He dressed them in a garment of skin (עור)" this is the body, as in "in skin and flesh he dressed me", that after the sin it became a material body, which is not the case before the sin when it was a holy, refined, clean body, and this is called "garment of light (אור)".

[...] Before the sin it was a garment of light and the body was light, illuminating like the neshoma. This is the Great Luminary and this is the Small Luminary. The neshoma in a body of light, this is "garment of light and the body is light in a body of flesh garment of flesh, like it swallowed the Hol in its covering, but the garment of light was not nullified but only swallowed by the covering.

Tzemach Tzedek, Sefer Hachakira, p.68


Friday, June 05, 2009

We are Ready to Greet Moshiach

Ours is the last generation of the exile and the first generation of the redemption. The Previous Rebbe declared, "Immediately to teshuvah, immediately to redemption"; and in his era, we already completed this service. All that was necessary was to "polish the buttons" and "stand together, prepared" to greet Mashiach. Surely, our great efforts to spread Yiddishkeit and spread the wellsprings of Chassidus have also accomplished this and -- particularly after the passage of forty years when we have received "eyes to see and ears to hear" -- we are ready to greet Mashiach.

Lubavitcher Rebbe, Parshas Naso, 5751 (1991)

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Thursday, June 04, 2009

Moshiach: A Merciful King

King Moshiach will not be cruel to his people, and will not exalt himself above them.

R' Y. Chiyun, brought in Yalkut Me'am Lo'ez Tehillim I:295

When the King Moshiach will see a poor person, and he will request from him that he return the money that he lent him, and the poor man has no place to turn for help--Moshiach will have rachmanus on him and Moshiach will give him from his own.

Ner Mitzvah, brought in Yalkut Me'am Lo'ez Tehillim II:147

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Moshiach Hovering Over the Waters

Regarding Moshiach it states "'The spirit of G-d hovering over the waters' -- this is the spirit of King Moshiach" (Pirkei d'Rebbe Eliezer, 43). About Moshe Rabbeinu it is said "Because from the waters he was taken". Moshe--"from the waters"; King Moshiach--"over the waters".

Likutei Torah, Tzav 17c


Tuesday, June 02, 2009

To Moshiach Every Jew is Precious

It is told in the Midrash that when Moshe Rabbeinu saw a single sheep had run away from the flock, he left the entire flock in order to run after and return that sheep to the flock. From this we learn how important is every soul in Israel to Moshe Rabbeinu, even when we're talking about a "sheep that ran away from the flock". And since the "first redeemer is the last redeemer" (see Shemos Rabba 2:4)--also regarding our Righteous Moshiach every single Jew is precious and important no matter where that Jew is, even "he ran away from the flock".

Lubavitcher Rebbe, Hisvaadus 5743 III:1314


Monday, June 01, 2009

Moshiach in Gan Eden

Moshiach entered Gan Eden while still alive. (Derech Eretz Zuta I)

Moshiach sits in Gan Eden in his radiance and his glory, and only a spark from his soul is enclothed in a body, at the entrance to Gan Eden. On Shabbos and Yom Tov that part sheds the body and unites with Moshiach. (Ben Yehoyada on Sanhedrin 98a)