Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Jews are ready to greet the Geulah

In simple terms: every Jew must notify Esav that from his [the Jew's] perspective--everything is ready to greet the thrue and complete Geulah. To such a degree that from his perspective (of the Jew) also Esav is ready to greet the Geulah.

[...]If we had merited, the Geulah would have occurred immediately then, in the time of Yaakov Avinu, since Yaakov Avinue was already fit for the Geulah. But what happened in actuality is that "malachim" got involved...and informed him that Esav is not ready for the Geulah, and therefore Yaakov and his sons need to remain stuck in Golus!...--Something that is not understood at all! Since Yaakov (and all the neshomas Yisroel included in him) are ready for the Geulah, if so, what does Esav have to say about it?!

Nonetheless, in actuality we see that since then Bnei Yisroel have endured terrible tzoros, until the tzoros of ikvesa d'Meshicha!

But after bnei Yisroel have endured all these things--it is known what the Mitteler Rebbe wrote in his sefer Shaarei Tshuva, that after all the decrees and oppressions, may they never come to be, we have already satisfied the requirements of "chevlei Moshiach".

And now--with certainty that "all the end times have passed" and therefore Moshiach Tzidkeinu needs to come very soon, in a pleasant manner and a peacful manner.

Sicha of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Yud Kislev, 5744

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Peaceful Revolutions--the work of Moshiach

There are those who wonder about the talk in recent days, that we are standing at the end of exile, the footsteps of Moshiach. They ask, "How do we see this?..." It's very surprising that they don't think deeply into the events that are transpiring in the world, events that are revealed and publicized!...

In the recent era (starting from the past few years and intensifying from day to day) we see across the world tremendous revolutions, from one extreme to the other. It is with Hashem's great mercy that these revolutions are occurring quietly…

Revolutions in the world are one of the signs brought in the Midrashim of our sages, of blessed memory, describing the period of the "footsteps of Moshiach." When we see great revolutions in our times, this is an additional sign that we are now in the final moments of the "footsteps of Moshiach," and imminently and immediately, our righteous Moshiach will come.

Sicha of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Shabbos Parshas Toldos, 4 Kislev 5750


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Only one thing remains: to open our eyes properly!

It is understood that now we are already in a state where the physical body and even the physicality of the world is already completely refined and purified, and they are ready to be a "vessel" for all the supernal lights and spiritual matters, including and primarily--the light of Moshiach Tzidkeinu, the light of the true and complete Geulah....

The single missing thing is that a Jew should open up his eyes properly, and see how everything is prepared for the Geulah! There is already a "set table" and there is already the "Leviyoson" and "Shor Habar" and "Yayin Hameshumar", and Jews are already sitting around the table --"their Father's table" (the King of kings of kings, the Holy One, blessed be He), together with Moshiach Tzidkeinu (as is stated in seforim that in every generation there is "one from the seed of Yehuda who is suited to be Moshiach"), and in our generation this is the leader of our generation my father in law the Rebbe; and after 40 years since the passing of my father-in-law the Previous Rebbe we already have "a heart to know, eyes to see, ears to hear".

Now we only need to open the "heart to know", and to open the "eyes to see" and to open the "ears to hear", and through this -- to make use of all 248 physical limbs and 365 physical sinews -- in addition to learning Torah and fulfilling Mitzvos in general...also to learn Pnimiyus Hatorah as it has been revealed in Chassidus and to fulfill the instructions of our Rebbeim, including -- learning the subject of the Geulah, in a way that this will open the heart and eyes and ears -- that they should understand and see and feel in the simply understood sense of the physical world the true and complete geulah in actuality, and to learn the Torah of Moshiach (pnimiyus Hatorah) in a way of "seeing", that everything is already prepared and one needs only to open up the eyes and then he will see it!

Sicha of the Rebbe, Vayetzei 5752
